Personal Spendings is a fully automated web application to track your accounts and financial transactions.
You do not need to download or install anything. You can record all your personal financial activity (income, expense or transfers) and the application provides information to monitor your performance. It works as an accounting system. You can record different kinds of transactions, categorized using custom categories and sub categories, which manage your accounting balances, moving money between your accounts (bank accounts, cash, credit cards, properties, vehicles, other assets, loans) and increasing or decreasing your balance according to your transactions.
In order to use Personal Spendings you need to register. You can easily do it using your social network accounts (google, twitter or facebook) or creating an account with your email.
Registering is easy. By pressing the Sign up now! button, and filling the registration form, providing your name, email and default currency. All your transactions will be converted to this currency to show your current balance. That's why the default currency is a mandatory field. You should choose your local currency, or the currency you use in most accounts.
As soon as you register you will receive an email with instructions to confirm your registration. You won't be able to login until you confirm your registration.
You need at least one account in order to use Personal Spendings to track your transactions.
By selecting Add account from the Accounts menu and completing the relevant data - name, type, currency and other information, you can set up your accounts. There are several accounts types: Bank account, Cash, Credit card, Crypto, Investment, Loan, Other asset, Property, Vehicle, Wallet. Most information is optional, but it is mandatory to choose the currency. All transactions using this account will be recorded using this currency. If this currency is different from you default currency (the one established when you registered), your account balance will be also available at your default currency. You can manage exchange rates between your currencies.
You can tell if this account is a favorite or not or if it is open or not. Favorite accounts are shown on your home page.
Before tracking your transactions, you should set your current balance on all your accounts. When you created your accounts, their balance is 0. Balances are only updated by placing transactions - so everything is auditable. The transaction used to add money to your accounts is the initial balance transaction. It represents adding or subtracting money from outside (non-tracked accounts) to your accounts (tracked accounts).
By selecting Place transaction from the Transactions menu and completing the relevant data - category and subcategory, date, amount and account, you can place transactions. There are three transaction types: income, expense and transfer. Transfers are the only transaction that do not change your balance. It just moves money between two accounts, converting currencies using the exchange rate if necessary. Income and expense transaction include a category and subcategory.
Let's see how well we are doing!
You can analyze your transactions using the graphs and reports provided. At least the following reports are available:
Many other features are available and will be added in the future. Just to mention...